Software Craftsman, The (Robert C. Martin)

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Software Craftsman: Single Responsibility Principle

Check out my website for a lot more software craftsmanship and automated testing content: Audio: File ID 128410100: ...

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Uncle Bob Martin - The Craftsman's Oath at SC London Conference 2018

We are programmers who aspire to be worthy of the title of Craftsman. So what is a software craftsman? What promises do software craftsmen make to their ...

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Craftsmen: control your environment by Robert Martin

As part of the Plastic SCM 4.0 launch event, uncle Bob Martin prepared a special episode of the Clean Coder series: Craftsmen: control your environment.

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YOW! 2016 Robert C. Martin - Effective Estimation (or: How not to Lie)

Everything you ever wanted to know about how to estimate software tasks, and how to communicate those estimates to the business. We'll discuss honesty, ...

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