Mochila 3D Pokeball Pokemon Vadobag

23,58 € en
21,60 €
23,58 €

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  • Mochila 3D Pokeball Pokemon 32x22cm

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Assembling a 3D Printed PokeBall

Here's some instructions on how to assemble your PokeBall! You can download the parts to print here:

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Pokeball impresa en 3D | The3DMates

Modelo clásico y obligatorísimo de imprimir para todos los amantes de Pokémon :) SUUUUUSSSSCCCCRRRR!!!!!! Modelo en Thingiverse, por Intentional3D: ...

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3D Printed Pokeball Switch Cartridge Case

Printing tips: - The spring release I used is actually from a cheap Pokeball I had around at home that you can buy online for a few bucks. Some 1.75mm filament ...

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3D Poke Ball DIY - Pokemon Go - Collab wit Carly Toffle

3D Poke Ball DIY collab with Carly Toffle - we decided to have a go at making our very own 3D Poke Ball using newspapers, DIY Papier Mache paste (super ...

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